Saturday, June 21, 2008

do i need it???

being a virgo the need for praise comes naturally to me.
i don't know .....
i m definetly confused on this word PRAISE. i.e. do i need it..
but then sometimes i feel like no gurl i don't need praise for motivation. but then today something happnd n then i needed someone to praise my work or atleast appreciate it. Ya thats the right word i was looking for....APPRECIATION
ya i dont need praise but i need appreciation. Ya people i know i make mistake but then i m human rite??? i know i make mistakes but then if its like a really genuine mistake i do regret it. n sometimes the mistakes are not made on purpose, sometimes they just happen.... then what to do?????
but then people if i do something good atlest smile at me....
hey today i saw P.S.I LOVE YOU.....the movie was awesome....
somehow i connected with it. i just absolutly loved Gerard's character, in a way i am like him....
oh ya comin back to the topic.....
i don't need praise but i need appreciation....or just a smile atleast.......
P.S.I LOVE YOU is a good movie..... but i didnt like Hillary Swank as Holly but then again i liked the puppyness she bought to the character........
i absolutly lovvvvvvvvvd the way Gerard makes effort for Holly.....
neways todays day was good.....P.S.I LOVE YOU made the day a lil more pleasant...
ya only the day was pleasant but by nite i m really feeling sad no clue why???? may b again the lack of appreciation.
but thnx to the blood group again being positive is in my blood literally.........
i m hoping for the good day tomorrow.

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