Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well i decided to start a new blog after all.
n i know its late to tell wats my blog all about......
my blog is my blog.........................
oh no if you think i am going to fill this blog with depressing stories and how unfair the world is yada yada well u underestimate me!
but yes i initially did think i ll write about the unfair world coz the day was just not good "just a bad day" to start with something.........
so this is the freeesh start........................
This is my own space where i will reveal my true self, my honest views, and the person behind the curtain.
I wanna show those hard hearts how wrong they were and how sorry they will be cuz the ball was never in their court!
Hope to discover a more candid me!!!
this will be interesting.................
my blog willl have everything dat i it good old black n white pics, be it some really good articles on nuclearisation in south asia or shashi tharoor's articles n on n on.......

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